
Skyrim special edition sword on back guide
Skyrim special edition sword on back guide

skyrim special edition sword on back guide

This unique glass sword possesses a unique aesthetic and a very powerful enchantment that can incapacitate enemies. Speaking with Karliah at the Frozen Hearth's cellar will complete the quest and reward players with the Nightingale Blade. After traveling across Skyrim in an attempt to decipher the journal of the previous owner of the Nightingale, Gallus Desidenius, players will find themselves back in Winterhold. To obtain the Nightingale Blade, players will need to join the Thieves Guild in Riften, and follow their questline until they obtain the quest “Hard Answers” which begins at the College of Winterhold with an NPC named Enthir. The Dragonbane has a base damage of 14 at max level and can be upgraded with a Quicksilver Ingot. Additionally, it will also deal 10 points of shock damage to all enemy types, but unlike similar enchantments, will not damage stamina. At level 46, this weapon will inflict 40 points of damage to dragons per hit, making it one of the best dragon-killing blades in Skyrim. This blade is also leveled loot and has the appearance of a katana with a unique effect that targets dragons. Picking up the weapon will instantly transport players away and complete the quest, so it is advisable that they loot the temple before obtaining it. The quest will consist of clearing the Kilkreath Ruins under the statue, at the end of which players will find the Dawnbreker on a pedestal.

skyrim special edition sword on back guide

To get the quest, players must find a Meridia’s Beacon, which spawns randomly in chests at that level or travel to the Statue of Meridia to the west of Solitude. The Dawnbreaker can be obtained as soon as level 12 by completing the quest “The Break of Dawn”.

Skyrim special edition sword on back guide